Makes around 16 biscuits

Need : Christmas shaped cutters

225g plain flour, plus extra for dusting
½ tsp salt
2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 heaped tsp ground ginger
½ tsp cinnamon
50g unsalted butter
100g Zùsto
100g golden syrup (or you could try skinny syrup?)

1) Heat oven to 190°C/170°C fan/gas 5 and line a baking tray with baking parchment. Sieve the flour, salt, bicarb, ginger and cinnamon into a large bowl. Heat the butter, Zùsto and syrup until dissolved. Leave the Zùsto mixture to cool slightly, then mix into the dry ingredients to form a dough. Chill the dough in the fridge for 30 mins.
2) On a surface lightly dusted with flour, roll out the dough to a ¼-inch thickness. Stamp out the Christmas shapes with a cutter, then re-roll any off-cuts and repeat. Place your gingerbread shapes on the lined trays, allowing space for them to spread. Cook for 10-15 mins, then remove from the oven and leave to cool.